Journal of the Center for the Study of Western Esotericism of Latin-America (CEEO-AL)
ISSN 2526-1096
By esotericism, we understand a set of specific historical currents within Western culture, among which are hermeticism, Jewish and Christian Kabbalah, astral magic, tarot, astrology, alchemy, Rosicrucian movements, Gnosticism, Christian and modern Theosophy, and the various movements related to the New Age.
Even if temporal limits of esotericism can be constricted to the XVI century onwards, its roots can be traced in the previous centuries (traditionally characterized as medieval, late-antiquity and classical). Likewise, although geographical borders are limited to the West, we keep an open look on other current cultural phenomena beyond this boundary, as soon as any historical link can be demonstrated.
Centered in historical production, theoretical and methodological reflexions and historiographical critic, it is expected that published articles are original historical researches; furthermore, the journal pretends to establish a favorable space for interdisciplinary debate between alternative, complementary or even opposed approaches. Therefore, other academic studies from sociology, history of religions, art history, history of science, literature, musicology, philosophy or cultural studies are equally accepted. Following this open point of view, even if sent articles must be in spanish or portuguese, we accept english, french or italian as well.
In summary. Melancolia is the Journal of the Center for the Study of Western Esotericism of Latin America, whose goal is to continue establishing a network of latinamerican scholars committed to the study of western esotericism understood as cultural phenomenon in western tradition. It aims to comunicate, spread and project lines of action, research groups and recent news (editorials, seminars, courses, congresses, theses dissertations) of our subject of study that are produced within the latinamerican region.
Melancolia was created in 2016 as the official journal of the Centro de Estudios sobre el Esoterismo Occidental de la UNASUR; since 2023 Centro de Estudios sobre el Esoterismo Occidental de América Latina. For more information, visit CEEO website:
Current Director: Dr. Juan Bubello, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (since 2025)
Dr. Mariano Luis Villalba, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (2022-2024)
Dr. Francisco de Mendonça Júnior, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brasil (2016-2021)
Revista Melancolia - Revista do CEEO - Unasur Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima nº 1000 CCSH – Prédio 74A – Sala 108 Cidade Universitária - Bairro Camobi Santa Maria - RS CEP: 97105-900
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