Thematic and scope

Academic studies on Western Esotericism in and from Latin America. Journal of the Center for the Study of Western Esotericism / Southamerican Nations Union

Melancolia is the first international publication dedicated to the academic study of Western Esotericism understood as a historical and cultural phenomenon, mainly in and from Latin America, addressed to the international academic community.

By esotericim we understand a specific research field related to magic, hermetism, “occult philosophy”, jewish kabbala, christian kabbala, astral magic, tarot, astrology(ies), alchemy(ies), paracelcianism, rosicrucianism, gnosticism(s), francmasonery, esotericism(s) in art, literature and music, teosophy(ies), occultism(s), mesmerism, neo-paganism(s), antroposophy, spiritism(s).

Even if temporal limits of esotericism can be constricted to the XVI century onwards, its roots can be traced in the previous centuries (traditionally characterized as medieval, late-antiquity and classical). Likewise, although geographical borders are limited to the West, we keep an open look on other current cultural phenomena beyond this boundary, as soon as any historical link can be demonstrated.

Centered in historical production, theoretical and methodological reflexions and historiographical critic, it is expected that published articles are original historical researches; furthermore, the journal pretends to establish a favorable space for interdisciplinary debate between alternative, complementary or even opposed approaches. Therefore, other academic studies from sociology, history of religions, art history, history of science, literature, musicology, philosophy or cultural studies are equally accepted. Following this open point of view, even if sent articles must be in spanish or portuguese, we accept english, french or italian as well.

In summary. Melancolia is the Journal of the Center for the Study of Western Esotericism of the Southamerican Nations Union, whose goal is to continue establishing a network of latinamerican scholars committed to the study of western esotericism understood as cultural phenomenon in western tradition. It aims to comunicate, spread and project lines of action, research groups and recent news (editorials, seminars, courses, congresses, theses dissertations) of our subject of study that are produced within the latinamerican region.

Section policies


Texts must be the result of original research and respect the highest standarts of scientific quality and publication norms.

• Open submissions | • Indexed | • Peer reviewed


They are articles compilations versed on the same problem. Its subject will be defined by directors and editors in chief. Melancolia also accepts dossiers from scholars that are external to the journal. Proposals of this type should inform the coordinator(s) name(s), topic and a short cv of the coordinator(s) and members that shall be part of the publication. The call for this type of works will be open along the whole year. In every case, sent works must adequate compulsorily to the norms of publications.

• Open submissions | • Indexed | • Peer reviewed


It includes a series of articles on various themes that present any concrete problem related to the history of western esotericism. They will report a suitable up-to-date bibliography, knowledge of diverse documentary archives and be the result or be part of current researches. Melancolia will inform through diverse means the call for reception of this type or articles. Sent works must adequate compulsorily to the norms of publications.

• Open submissions | • Indexed | • Peer reviewed


This includes texts referred to methodological topics. Articles must take into account specific problems presented by certain sources, and availability and access to documentary archives. Sent works must adequate compulsorily to the norms of publications.

• Open submissions | • Indexed | • Peer reviewed


In this section they will be published book reviews related to this subject and others to humanities, which deal with history of esotercism and are not more than two years old.

• Open submissions | • Indexed | • Peer reviewed


This section pretends to establish a space committed to diffusion. It will include interviews, debates and postgrade theses (master and phd) accomplished within the year. Sent works must adequate compulsorily to the norms of publications.

• Open submissions | • Indexed | • Peer reviewed

Peer review process

Melancolia is a blind peer-reviewed journal, which means that authors do not know the referee’s identity and vice versa.

All articles are examined by the Editorial Team, which verifies the achievement of all requested criteria in these instructions. In case of not accomplishing any of these exigencies, the author(s) will be informed. The judgment process will be carried out by two specialists and we will conserve anonymity in both parts. In no case the examiner will have the same academic affiliation than the author.

Once the results are given back by the two specialists, the decision can be of: acceptation with changes, full acceptation or reject. In any of these cases, the author will be notified of the decision.

In case that changes are suggested, the author must confirm if he/she is willing to introduce modifications in a time no longer than 15 days. In case of not receiving any answer or if the affirmative answer extends over a period superior than one month, Melancolia will consider that changes are not accepted and the article will be rejected.

Melancolia will notify the author in a maximum time of 60 days. Once the author resends the article with modifications in time and form, the editors will correct it respecting each author’s style. This correction is of form, not content.

Accepted the publication, authors will automatically cede Melancolia the rights for publication and authorize electronic diffusion.

Publication frequency

The journal is published with a frecuency of one year, every December. All received articles must adapt compulsory to style norms, as a previous step for scientific evaluation by the blind peer-review system in charge of experts with recognized prestige in the field.

Open access policy

This journal provides free and immediate access to its content under the principle of distributing research freely to public, which promotes a wider exchange of global knowdlegde. 

Code of Ethics

The aim of this Code of Ethics is to ratify Melancolia's commitment for preserving and promoting compliance with regulations on good practice in scientific production. Therefore, the code that will be exposed next includes all those who conform the journal: Editorial team, evaluators/Scientific Committees and authors.

The code is governed by the standards proposed in the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is internationally recognized and available at


1. General duties and responsibilities of the editors

● Manuscripts will be evaluated solely on their intellectual merit and originality regardless of the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity, citizenship, institutional affiliation, or political philosophy.

● It will be ensured that under no circumstances will academic standards be affected by political and economic interests.

● The editors give careful due to the various demands expressed by authors and readers.

● They will seek to constantly improve the journal and the quality of what is published, with the support of authors, readers, evaluators and advisors.

● It will be safeguarded the freedom of expression and opinion.

● The editors will respect the integrity of the scientific works published.

● They will avoid that personal links, economic or ideological interests compromise the intellectual and ethical standards proposed by the journal.

● They will always be willing to publish the necessary corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies.

● The journal is committed to paying special attention to identifying and sanctioning cases of plagiarism. Any manuscript similar to other published work will be removed from the journal or excluded from publication.

● The editors will encourage the progress of research and the construction of new knowledge based on a system of external evaluators (peer review).

● They will contribute to eradicate the use of bad practices and inadequate conducts in the selection, evaluation and publication of research results.

● It will be ensuring the clarity of the instructions for author submissions, which include this Code of Ethics.

● Maintain the integrity of academic data, preventing and actively acting against plagiarism and the dissemination of fraudulent data.


2. Editor’s relations with readers


● All articles published in Melancolia. Revista de Historia del Centro de Estudios sobre el Esoterismo Occidental de la UNASUR are reviewed by evaluators external to the Editorial Team, researchers and professors of recognized and demonstrable experience in the field, under a strict policy of impartiality and objectivity; this applies with equal rigor to the texts presented by members of the Editorial Team.

● The editors are committed to reviewing the texts before a new issue is published, in order to ensure compliance with the rules of publication and the requirements of originality and scientific relevance established by the journal.

● The precise mention of the authors, their scientific and/or academic links, as well as the obligatory inclusion of a brief curriculum vitae where the main activities developed by the author are explained, are respected.

● We try to attend and answer the suggestions and complaints made by the readers.




● Authors will ensure that the submitted manuscript is not being considered or accepted for publication in another journal. If there are sections of their content that match the content of a published or submitted paper, they should cite the sources accordingly. 

● Renewed members of the Editorial Team may not change decisions previously made regarding the publication of already accepted papers unless serious procedural problems are noted.

● The procedure for the reception, selection and evaluation of originals must be published (through the journal's Statutes and Publication Standards, which are duly updated) so that any deviation or bad practice with respect to the described process can be detected.

● Authors are obliged to make any necessary corrections when so indicated.

● To obtain the corresponding permission to reproduce documentary sources.

● Dates of receipt and acceptance of all published articles will be included.

● The policies of the journal and its Rules for Authors will provide all necessary information on how to present their originals, the criteria for selection and assessment of the same, and the procedures for evaluation, editing and publication.

● When an author detects a significant error in his or her work, whether a published work or one in the process of being evaluated, he or she should bring this information to the attention of the editors and cooperate with them in correcting the problem.

● These guidelines will be constantly updated to ensure the best quality and assessment of the journal.




● The Editorial Team will provide the evaluators with an evaluation form and the criteria to be applied in this procedure, including: adequacy of the work to the norms and editorial styles established by the journal, scientific relevance, pertinent and updated bibliography to the developed topic, methodology, solidity in the argumentation and expositive clarity.

● Alert the editor of any work, sent or published, that in any way is similar to the one being reviewed.

● Be aware of conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, due to collaboration or any other type of relationship between the reviewer and the author) and alert the editor to these. If necessary, they should waive review of that manuscript.

● In this open review process, systems will be applied to ensure that the confidentiality of the identity of authors and reviewers is protected.

● Efforts will be made to update, improve and expand the list of potential evaluators.

● The changes and suggestions made by the evaluators will be sent to the authors, respecting due confidentiality and avoiding including personal comments that may be offensive or disqualifying.


These are considered "scientific misconduct":




● Plagiarism: Copying in substance other people's works and ideas, giving them as their own.

● Total or partial duplication of research: any time the same is published and the title or summary of a work is changed, when the theoretical part is maintained and the demonstration of the hypotheses is modified, when the same work is translated into another language and published, among others. Also considered are: citing sources without having read them; not correcting erroneous interpretations of data observed in the articles of others; omitting data that contradict one's own previous research; releasing scientific results prematurely, before their review by experts; keeping the conclusions of a research study secret for several years; not sharing data and methods that would allow others to re-examine or replicate the experiments, or to carry out new research; accrediting false authorship or based on criteria other than the contribution to the work; exchanging quotes among friendly colleagues without their having participated in the study or in the article.




● Try to add citations to articles published in your journal to the bibliography cited in the articles received with the aim of increasing your SJR (Scimago Journal Rank) or your IF (Impact Factor).

● Acceptance of articles by publishers who have a bias in favour of the advertisers' products.




● To accept the evaluation of a work if there is not enough time to comply with the submission of the refereeing in a time considered not to delay the journal in communicating to the author the acceptance or rejection of his work.

● Do not notify the journal's editorial board if the text under evaluation contains plagiarized or manipulated data, as well as if they find any significant similarity between the article to be evaluated and another article already published or in the process of being evaluated in another journal.

Plagiarism Policy

● All contributions must be original and unpublished. The signatories are solely responsible for ensuring that their contribution meets these requirements.

● The journal will reject articles that are plagiarized.

● Reviewers of articles are instructed on how to detect possible plagiarism. The Editorial Team actively reviews submitted articles for plagiarism.

● If a previous version of an article has been published before, this should be expressly indicated in the notes. The new version must have substantial new features that justify its recovery.


All articles published by Melancolia are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This permits anyone to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

Creative Commons

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Melancolia was created in 2016 as the official journal of the Center for the Study of Western Esotericism of the Southamerican Nations Union (CEEO-UNASUR This Center was created in august 2011 by its current director, Dr. Juan Pablo Bubello, as a result of his experience as professor and researcher in the Faculty of Philosophy and Lettres of the University of Buenos Aires. As well, we publish a biannual newsletter with news, interviews and information to specialists and general public. For more information, visit CEEO-UNASUR website or our facebook channel.

Mailing Address

Revista Melancolia - Revista do CEEO - Unasur Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Av. Roraima nº 1000 CCSH – Prédio 74A – Sala 108 Cidade Universitária - Bairro Camobi Santa Maria - RS CEP: 97105-900

Main contact

Dr. Francisco de Paula Souza de Mendonça Júnior. Director de la revista. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Email:

Support contact

Mgr. Mariano Villalba. Email:

Melancolia is the official journal of the Center for the Study of Western Esotericism of the Southamerican Nations Union (CEEO-UNASUR)
E-mail: | Web:
ISSN 2526-1096

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